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Crime Prevention Reminders including personal safety

07/13/2023 3:47pm


  • Be confident and walk with a purpose.
  • Trust your gut! If you feel a person is lurking do not go home but to a public place and call the police.
  • Be aware of your surroundings - when walking always be able to hear the noises around you. You are an easier target when you are not paying attention.
  • If possible, walk with others - safety in numbers.
  • Try to have be hands free.
  • When at home ensure doors are always locked.
  • Never answer the door for strangers and verify utility workers before entry.
  • When you become a new property owner change the old locks.
  • Get to know your neighbors.

See Police/Upcoming Events page for self defense classes

What3words App

If you are a runner, hiker, cyclist, or just need to share your location consider downloading the what3words app to your phone. It is an easy way to identify precise locations. Every 10ft sq radius is given a unique combination of three words. If you are lost, had an accident or any reason why you need the police and/or fire departments assistance send the three words the app gives you at that moment and the person you are sharing the words with puts those three words into their app hits navigate and it will pinpoint their location. This app has already assisted the Fire Department in finding people lost and injured in parks.


  • Keep your doors (and windows) always locked
  • Install/Update motion sensing cameras and lighting in the front and rear of your property
  • Don’t dismiss alerts from your alarm or cameras
  • Keep your yard clean, prune shrubbery so windows and doors can be seen
  • Install window covers to obscure the view from outside
  • Remove ladders and objects that a burglar can use to access all levels of you home
  • Glass breakage alarm notifications, including the second floor as criminals are now entering through second story windows. 
  • Install security window film on windows especially in the back of your home
  • Give the illusion your house is always occupied
    • Use timers on interior lights when you are not home, even if you are gone for a short period of time
    • Stagger the timers’ time on the lights
    • Have them in locations where you spend most of your time when home, kitchen, family room, bedroom, etc. 
  • Keep all valuables (jewelry, watches, cash, etc) out of plain sight and in a safe affixed to the floor
  • Do not post on social media when your away from your home
  • Community events – get to know your neighbors and inform them when you will be gone for an extended period of time

Have a 9’oclock routine – Every night before you go to bed ensure your vehicles are locked, all keys are inside the home and hidden out of plain sight.   Doors are secured and locked.  Alarms are set.  Make it a habit!

**** If you see anything suspicious or have video surveillance footage available of any criminal or suspicious activity, contact the police non-emergency number at 703-691-2131, or 911 for an emergency.  Also, If something is happening in the moment or a person/vehicle of interest is on scene, please call directly to have an officer respond.   However, there are times where you may just need a case # for documenting purposes, attached is a flyer with QR codes to our Community Reporting System (CRS) and Financial Crimes Online Reporting (FICOR). 

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