Lighting/Lamp Posts, Common area utility/maintenance items
02/04/2021 7:12pm
This page lists the status for utility or other maintenance items reported to the Board. Such items include: lamp posts, utility lines, cable lines, etc running across common sidewalks, rusting utility boxes, open utility containers, erosion issues, etc..
Maintenance Items
02/05/2024 2:04pm
Lamp posts
The following lamp posts are not working and are being addressed by the Lighting committee:
Lamp post not working?
06/17/2024 4:32pm
If you come across a lamp post that is not working, please contact our Lighting chair to report the situation:
02/04/2021 7:54pm
The bent/twisted no parking sign at the bottom of Lindenwood Lane and Annhurst Street will need a new metal post.