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The Board - How does it work? How can I join a committee?

03/20/2025 2:00pm

The Stonehurst HOA Board is comprised of 9 resident homeowner volunteers that were elected by the membership at the annual meeting, which is held the fourth Monday in January each year.  Three members serve for two years and six members serve for one year.

The Board has a President and Vice President who are elected by the newly elected Board members at the organizational meeting that follows the Annual Meeting.  The Secretary/Treasurer  is a paid employee of the Association and is a non-voting member of the Board.

Committees, Liaisons, and Functions:

The various designated committees (and sub-committees) have been established to help keep Stonehurst the beautiful and well run community it is today.  It takes a village to support the village and your assistance is always greatly appreciated.  If you would like to volunteer to be on a committee, please see the process for joining a committee.  

Standing Committees - Permanent committees that meet regularly.  Membership on each Standing Committee includes at least one (1) Board member and may include other members of the Association.  All are appointed by and serve at the discretion of the President. The following are Standing Committees of the Board:

Budget Committee - Chair is a Board member.  Committee members are preferred to be homeowners because responsibilities involve financial commitments of the membership.  Description of the duties of the Budget committee.  

Maintenance Committee - The Maintenance committee develops and provides oversight and coordination of all projects and contracts for the general maintenance of the common areas.  Because this committee is so large, it is divided into the following sub-committees:

                         Grounds/Landscaping and Grounds/Trees - This sub-committee manages two large contracts (landscaping and trees), and therefore should have two Board members as chairs - one to manage the Landscaping contract and the other to manage the Trees contract.  All residents can volunteer to be a member of these committees.  Description of the duties of the Grounds/Landscaping and Grounds/Trees committee (Please note, this description gives the responsibilities of the two areas of Landscaping and Trees).

                         Lighting - The Chair can be a Board member or a resident volunteer.   The President is the Board member of the committee and approves all expenses.  Description of the duties of the Lighting Committee.

                         Sidewalks/Streets - The Chair is a Board member.  All residents can volunteer to be a member of the committee.  Description of the duties of the Streets/Sidewalks committee.

                        Snow Removal and Trash/Recycling - Chair is a Board member.  These two areas have been historically combined most likely due to the smaller time frame of snow removal responsibilities and the coordination of snow removal for proper trash collection.  All residents can volunteer to be a member of the committee.  Description of the duties of the Trash/Recycling and Snow removal committee.

Architecture Committee- The Chair is a Board member.  Committee members are preferred to be Homeowners as part of the responsibilities involve review of Homeowner properties.  Description of the duties of the Architecture committee.

Community Relations Committee - The Chair is a Board member.  All residents can volunteer to be a member of the committee.  Description of the duties of the Community Relations committee.                      

Parking Committee/ Security Liaison - The Chair is a Board member.  All residents can volunteer to be a member of the parking committee.  Description of the duties of the Parking Committee/Security Liaison.

Current Ad Hoc Committees - The following are the current Ad Hoc committees that are appointed by the President as necessary:

General Maintenance Committee - The Chair can be a Board member or resident volunteer.  This volunteer committee assists other Standing committees with tasks like bench or sign repair, drain cleanout, tree branch or bush trimming, painting of common area railing or sign posts, etc.  Description of the duties of the General Maintenance Chair

Designated Liaison Contacts

                      County/Civic District Associations - The liaison is a Board member.  The designated SHA contact provides liaison between SHA and appropriate County offices and between SHA and Civic Associations such as the Providence District Council.  The SHA liaison represents the SHA through attendance at meetings and contacts with developers when necessary.

                      Police/Security - this position is always combined with the Parking chair.  see Parking chair/Security Liaison  position description.

                      Stonehurst IV, Trillium Towers (Formerly Circle Towers Apartments), and Metro Row - President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer

SHA Nominating CommitteeThe Nominating Committee consists of six (6) members.  Three (3) members are appointed by the President of the Board of Directors prior to each Annual Meeting, two (2) members are elected by the membership at the Annual Meeting and one (1) member is appointed by the President of the new Board of Directors.  The six (6) members serve from the close of the Annual Meeting until the close of the next Annual Meeting.

The Nominating Committee secures nominations for Board of Directors for election at the Annual Meeting, and for Board vacancies occurring during the year.  Duties of the Nominating committee.

Community Volunteer Survey form

COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER SURVEY: Welcome Alejandro and David as co-chairs of the newly created ad Hoc committee “Volunteer Database Coordinator”. Under this ad hoc committee, they created a survey to help collect names of those interested in volunteering at Stonehurst. The survey will collect the names of residents interested in getting involved in the community based on their interests. Please fill out the survey form below to see what exciting opportunities exist at Stonehurst.  Volunteer Survey Form Link

To find out more about the different committees of the Board, please refer to "The Board, How does it work? How can I join a committee?" article on this page.

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