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Community Events

06/17/2024 3:02pm

This page shares events within the Stonehurst community

Yard Sale Guidelines - Saturday, August 24, 10-2
08/09/2024 12:31pm

Stonehurst HOA Yard Sale Guidelines

The Stonehurst Yard sale is board approved, however not sponsored by the board

1. Date and Time:

   - The yard sale will be held on August 24, 2024 from 10:00am – 2:00pm EST

   - Setup can begin no earlier than 9:00am, and cleanup must be completed by 4:00pm EST.

2. Participation:

   - All participating residents must register by August 20th, 2024. Registration can be done via email to that includes their name, email, address.

3. Permits and Legal Requirements:

   - The HOA will handle any necessary permits or permissions on behalf of the community.

4. Advertising:

   - The HOA will provide advertising through our local newsletter and email.

   5. Signage:

   - The HOA will place directional signs at key locations within the community.

   - Personal signs should be tasteful, non-intrusive, and removed immediately after the sale.

6. Display and Conduct:

   - Items for sale should be displayed neatly within the participant's property boundaries. This includes your front yard. Items may not spill over into parking spaces.

   - Participants should ensure that items are appropriately priced and labeled.

   - No illegal, hazardous, or inappropriate items are to be sold.

   - Participants should remain courteous and respectful to visitors and other residents.

7. Traffic and Parking:

   - Participants should encourage visitors to park in designated areas and not block parking spaces or fire hydrants.

8. Safety and Cleanliness:

   - Participants are responsible for keeping their sale area clean and safe for visitors.

   - After the sale, participants must clean up their areas, including removing unsold items, trash, and signage.

9. Noise and Disturbance:

   - Noise levels should be kept to a minimum to avoid disturbing non-participating residents.

   - Music, if played, should be kept at a low volume and not include offensive content.

10. Weather Contingency:

    - In case of inclement weather, the yard sale will be rescheduled to a future date.

11. Feedback and Improvement:

    - Participants and residents are encouraged to provide feedback on the yard sale for future improvements.

    - Feedback can be submitted to contact Community Relations

Contact Information

- For questions or more information, contact Community Relations

These guidelines aim to ensure a well-organized, enjoyable, and successful yard sale for the entire community.

Summer Events
06/17/2024 3:05pm

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