Complaint Procedures
12/14/2021 12:55pm
The Stonehurst Homeowners Board of Directors has adopted two separate complaint procedures. One procedure concerns complaints relating to services or decisions made by the Board of Directors or complaints concerning other residents or homeowners. The second complaint procedure was required by Title 55 of the Code of Virginia and regulations adopted by Common Interest Community Ombudsman on July 1, 2012, which relates to perceived violations by the Board of Directors of laws or regulations established by the Virginia Property Owners Association Act or the Common Interest Community Board.
Procedure One
Complaints regarding, among other things, services provided by the Association, Association Rules and Regulations, Association-hired contractors, neighborhood disturbances or disputes, etc. may be submitted to the Board of Directors verbally or preferably in writing, using the Association’s “Complaint Form and Procedures”, for resolution.
Residents are encouraged to attempt to amicably resolve problems directly with the source of the problem or the committee responsible for the overseeing the area of concern. However, complaints may be submitted directly to the Board of Directors in writing by completing the Association’s Complaint Form. Complaint forms may be obtained by contacting the Association Secretary or from the Association’s website.
The Board of Directors will review the complaint at the next regularly scheduled board meeting after the date the complaint was received. The resident will be kept informed of the progress in resolving the complaint with the goal of obtaining a final decision within forty-five (45) days from the date of receipt.
Procedure Two
Perceived violations by the Board of Directors of the Property Owners Association Act or the Common Interest Community Board Ombudsman’s regulations will be addressed by separate written procedures and a complaint form that can be obtained from the Association Secretary or the Association’s website. Examples of such violations relate to regulations governing such matters as failure of the Board to provide notice of Board meetings, availability of and access to Association records, or access to Board meeting minutes. Adverse decisions by the Board to such complaints can be appealed to the Office of Common Interest Community Ombudsman for review and decision. Procedures and forms to make an appeal can be obtained from the Association Secretary or the Ombudsman’s website,
The Common Interest Community Board Ombudsman has established specific timeframes for the Board to acknowledge receipt of complaints; to address complaints; and to notify complainants of its decision. Those timeframes are addressed in the “Complaint Procedures - Pursuant to the Code of Virginia, Title 55.”